“Opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises”

Demostene (philosopher)

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BKey Consulting celebrates its 10th anniversary

BKey Consulting marked the anniversary of its 10 years in business with an event at the splendid Masone Labyrinth in Parma, attended by some of the most important businesses in the region.

BKey Consulting chairman, Luca Gazocchi, and partners invited important figures from the business world to celebrate with them: Conad CEO Francesco Pugliese, Nicola Cattarossi (general manager for Groupon Italia), Matteo Scarpis (Mare Blu CEO), Federico Vecchioni (CEO of Bonifiche Ferraresi), as well as many other managers and professionals from the local business world.

The evening was the perfect opportunity to thank everyone who has shown support for BKey Consulting and its mission over the years. It also afforded the chance to sit down and chat with Francesco Pugliese, CEO and general manager for Conad, who shared his insights about the trends and changes facing the Italian Large-scale Retail Trade in the national economic scene.

The event resonated with the most influential local and national news and business publications.
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