“Opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises”

Demostene (philosopher)

- What They Say -

BKey Consulting in partnership with Bonifiche Ferraresi to supply to Retailers

In less than 25 months, Italian company Bonifiche Ferraresi changed its business from farm business to major food group. BKey Consulting is proud to be working in partnership with the company in this challenging project.

Bonifiche Ferraresi is a big group, born in 1871, and working in quality agricultural productions since then. The group is committed to a business plan started in 2015 and going on until 2019, with the aim to produce value for all levels of the supply chain. One objective in this path is opening to the retail market, by selling pasta, rice and high quality infusions in supermarkets. These products are completely made in Italy.

BKey Consulting took part to the development plan of "Stagioni d'Italia", a new line of branded products. The working group was composed by Antonio Posa, Senior Partner, Giancarlo Masini, Senior Partner, Carlos Salicrù, Senior Consultant, all guided by the founder Luca Gazocchi.

Now, thanks to some partnerships signed with the Retailers, "Stagioni d'Italia" is ready to sell high quality products from farm to fork into Italian supermarkets.

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